International Ornithological Association
Founder Member COM-UK

Affiliated to the Confederation Ornithologique Mondiale

New Consultation on Licenses from Natural England

Please find below the consultation for Natural England. Please read carefully and respond to the content of the consultation before the closing date. You may if you so wish send your comments to me in writing or via email, email address

Alan Robinson
General Secretary IOA
Tel 01226 286066
Mob 07947808933

Original Message
Dear Consultee,

Natural England has today launched its consultation on General and Class Licences. We are seeking views on a number of proposals and topics relating the General and Class Licences issued under wildlife legislation. These licences are periodically reviewed, and Natural England consults with stakeholders and the general public on proposed changes and seeks views on broader topics.

The themes of this consultation include:

·       the management of conflict species
·       the trapping and welfare of animals
·       sale, exhibition and possession of protected species
·       improving compliance with the licences
·       changes relating to obligations under the EU Birds Directive

This consultation will be of interest to anyone who uses a General or Class Licence, and organisations representing the interests of licence users and/or protected species.

The consultation documents are now available at and



The consultation is seeking views on a number of proposals and topics relating the General and Class Licences issued under wildlife legislation.


Responses can be submitted from 24th February until 19th May 2014. Please use the Response Form provided, preferably submitted electronically to the mailbox: Any enquiries relating to the consultation can also be directed to this mailbox. (An alternative postal address is provided if required.)