The IOA committee wish to report the passing after a short illness of member Melvyn Knaggs.He was a top Agi canary breeding winning lots of COM Gold Medals,condolences to his wife Ann and family.
The exective IOA committee wish to report the passing after a short battle with illness of member COM/OMJ Judge Brian Hogg on the 31st May 2019.They offer their condolences to his wife and family
The Executive committee have decided the time is right for IOA members who have put a life times work into the IOA and the hobby should be rewarded. Our honoured members names will now go onto the ORDER OF MERIT shield. Each member will be given their own bespoke glassware which is theirs to keep.
To start the Merit shield off twelve members were put forward and all their work and achievements were discussed and agreed by the committee. Some have been in the hobby for over 60 years and have been with the IOA from the start in 1955.
For achievements to the British Bird world our first name is Bob Partridge, his knowledge makes him just about the most experience person in the UK and he is one of the few people still alive to have helped DEFRA with the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act. A great person, a “Breeder of a diverse range of both European and Foreign birds many of which are now not seen in aviculture, and also a BBC delegate.”
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