The 63rd World show was held in Rosmalen, Holland from the 22/1/15 -25/1/15. Conveyors Richard Lumley and Chris Smith took a total number of birds from the UK of 187,with a few absent birds which would have seen a very good entry of 215 birds from 31 fully paid up IOA members, 3 NCA members and 1 from a affiliated society making a total of 35 exhibitors. Total number of birds entered for the show was 22,248 so a very good entry when you understand all the problems the show organisation had in the weeks leading up to the show are the out break of Bird Flu. Once again the standard of birds on show was of high quality and for COM-UK to win 10 Gold and 4 Silver was high praise indeed. The IOA feel that every one who partook was a winner with 6 first time exhibitors and as a thank you all IOA members were given a special Gold Pin badge, congratulations to all the medal winners but not every one can win from the IOA’s side its the partaking which counts.
One person who needs a massive well done was first time exhibitor Ken Grigg who sent just 1 bird a Bullfinch/Norwich Hybred and he won Gold with 94 pts, now that takes some doing. Also for the first time for a lot of years one member sent a team of singing birds, the late Ron Evans would have been a very proud man. The show did have problems as they seemed to not have enough work force and the sad fact was that the Breeders from Turkey had their birds not allowed into the country due to there vets paper work not being in order so all their 600 birds were returned back to Turkey, this is a wake up call for some of our members to remember the correct vets paper work is very important. The IOA wishes to thank first time conveyor Chris Smith on his sterling work he did for COM-UK, Chris now knows what a holiday is like.
The IOA would like to offer their congratulations to member Graham Lee who passed his COM/OMJ judging test for the section F at the world show. Also at this show COM-Malta had the Big Greenfinch accepted for forth coming shows as a class of their own, so now there will be a class for the Greenfinch and one for the Big Greenfinch which will help IOA members who keep this bird, they now have their own class.
Simon Tammam (OMJ) | Graham Lee (New OMJ Judge) | Chris Smith (COM-UK President) |Richard Lumley (IOA President) | World Show Holland 2015.
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