International Ornithological Association
Founder Member COM-UK

Affiliated to the Confederation Ornithologique Mondiale

IOA In Europe 2010 Archive


The IOA at the Bague d’Or (Golden Ring Show)

Whilst the rest of Great Britain shivered to a halt with some of the worst weather we have witnessed in over thirty years the I.O.A. machine swung into action to get Team GB to Roeselare. With many predicting we wouldn’t make it ( and some willing us to fail ) the I.O.A. did what it does best and got the birds to the show , intact and on time . Credit must go to Golden Ring co-ordinator & conveyor Richard Lumley and the regional conveyors, Paul Brockman, Alan Robinson & Willy McKay . The effort was to prove worthwhile as Team GB, sponsored by Supapets, went on to record a fantastic medal haul.


First time continental  exhibitors , Fred Johns, Sean Fitzpatrick & Don Footitt lead the way with Gold Medals , Fred with his stam (team of four ) Fifes , Sean gaining his Gold with a cinnamon greenfinch and Don’ s Gold coming by way of his greenfinch, Fred and Don also took a Bronze medal with their respective breeds. Tony Hutchinson added a Gold to the list with his red agate cobalt colour canary, two shows, two golds with two different birds means Tony’s European campaign is off to a flying start.

Les Summers, now the most ‘capped’ canary exhibitor in Team GB, added to his impressive medal list with two Golds, two Silvers and a Bronze by way of his Irish Fancy canaries. With a Gold and two Bronze for Ian Wrights glosters we had reached the dizzy heights of 14 medals. More were to come our way. David Allen secured two Silvers, one for a Gold Lizard and one for a whiteground Lizard, Ricahrd Lumleys hard work was repaid with a Silver Medal with his glosters and completing the medal haul was the Bronze awarded to Paul Brockman’s Hoso Posture canary.


Aother resounding success was the I.O.A.’s innaugural coach trip , although some of those who had booked seats were ‘defeated’ by the weather , twenty six members braved the elements and were treated to a ‘four star’ experience. The I.O.A. would like to thank our tour operator, Wilfreda Beehive, for the excellent service we received. From our driver Craig, who couldn’t do enough to help, our luxury coach (barely two months old) to the superb four star Hotel Ariane – the only complaint is that we have to wait twelve months to repeat the experience.




For the first time in the history of the Association, members and affiliate members from the CCBA entered birds into the VvNk Geel Colour Canary Show held in Mechalin, Belgium. Conveyor, Neville Gaunt , took 30 birds from 5 exhibitors and whilst no medals came our way the results are encouraging and it is felt that it is only a matter of time before a U.K. exhibitor gains a medal at this ‘Mecca’ for colour canaries.

Exhibitor Highest Points Scored
Cliff Addis 88
Neville Gaunt 89
Simon Meredith 90
George Philpott 90
Geoff Walker 89
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Festival International d’oiseaux de CouleursInternational Festival of Colours
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The I.O.A.’s 2010 European show campaign began with our, now, annual visit to the Festival International d’oiseaux de couleurs, International Festival of Colours, this year held in Deville les Rouen , Normandy ,France. Presented by The L’amicle Ornithologique De Normandie (The Friendly Bird Club of Normandy) in conjunction with the CTC (Club Technique DeCanaris De Couleurs) between the 19th and 24th October. Despite indutrial action by striking French workers, Team GB, conveyed by Paul Brockman, Neville Gaunt and Adny Early, arrived in tact albeit an hour and a half late! 14 exhibitors entered a total of 104 birds into what was to prove our most successful European venture to date as we returned home with a total of 38 medals.

Dave Allen, Lizard canary, 1 Gold 1 Bronze
Paul Brockman, Hoso canary, 3 Gold, 3 Silver, 1 Bronze.
Joe Coakley, Lizard canary, 1 Gold, 1 Bronze
Andy Early, Hoso & Fife canary, 2 Gold. 1 Silver, 1 Bronze
Tony Hutchison, Colour canary, 1 Gold.
Robin Hurworth, Colour canary, 1 Silver 1 Bronze
Richard Lumley, Gloster canary, 1 Gold 1 Silver
John Martin, Lizard canary, 1 Silver
Simon Meredith, Colour canary, 1 Silver
George Philpot Colour canary, 4 Gold, 1 Bronze
Les Summers, Irish Fancy canary, 6 Gold, 1 Silver
Ralph Tiah, Colour canary, 1 Gold + Best Colour Canary in Show
Rob Storey, Waxbills, 3 Gold.

The I.O.A. would like to thank Jean Marie Bihet and his team for their wonderful hospitality that left a lasting impression on all who were on the receiving end.