International Ornithological Association
Founder Member COM-UK

Affiliated to the Confederation Ornithologique Mondiale

IOA In Europe 2009 Archive

IOA ring and membership secretary, Richard Lumley , recently conveyed Team GB to the Gouden Ring Show in Roeselare . As part of the IOA’s commitment to supporting more shows on the Continent and cementing relationships with our European partners in the COM , the GB entry was well received . Alas no medals came our way but Richard, Cliff Griifen &  Paul Brockman had Gloster,Irish Fancy  and Hoso canaries score a respectable 90 points . In the European Fauna section Alan Robinson scored 89 points with a Greenfinch.


The Gouden Ring Show will become a regular show on the IOA exhibition calander , with Roeslare an hour and a half away from the port of Calais it is ideally situated for exhibitors and visitors alike.

So put the 4th & 5th December 2010 in your diary now as Richard has already committed to act as conveyor for team GB next year.


Its no wonder Richard is eager to return to the Golden Ring , with over 4,000 birds on view and extensive sales classes , trade stands and exceptional hospitality its one you would not wish to miss.


More details will be published in the IOA Spring Newsletter .





      In partnership with the





The L’amicle Ornithologique De Normandie (The Friendly Bird Club of Normandy) joined with the CTC (Club Technique De Canaris De Couleurs, the equivalent of the UK’s CCBA) to present the only show to be held under the auspices of the C.O.M. in France during 2009. This International status show, held in Canteleu -Seine Maritime, is rapidly becoming ‘a must not miss’ event on the International exhibition calendar.



The IOA COM GB team consisted of birds entered by Les Summers, Brian Hogg, Neville Guant, Paul Brockman and Saviour Camalleri.

Les won 5 Gold, 4 Silver and a Bronze medal wth his Irish Fancy Canaries. Brian Hogg 2 Golds & a Silver with Lancashires and Crestbred, Paul Brockman a Gold, 2 Silvers and a Bronze with Hoso & Scotch Fancy, whilst Neville Gaunt became the first ever UK exhibitor to take a medal at a show held under the auspices of the COM with a Gold and a Silver. But the ‘star of the show’ was a team of Norwich entered by Saviour whose Buff Cock was adjudged to be ‘Best Posture Canary in Show’, Saviour also won 3 Golds and a Silver.

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