On the 23rd Feb 2017 the IOA will be attending a meeting with DEFRA/NE officials in London to discuss the ringing of Siberian Goldfinches/Bullfinches which as in recent years become an issue for breeders as this bird as become more popular and breeders are beginning to bred them in increasing numbers. Continental breeders place “D” rings on Siberian Goldfinches and “E” rings on Siberian Bullfinches. It is hope that discussions on the 23rd will result in a positive approach towards the ringing of these birds and having both species placed on a General License for ringing.
The IOA as asked for a number of other items to be placed on the agenda at this meeting which include the following:-
1. Improved specification for the construction of the rings (i.e. Crushing strength etc like they have in Belgium)
2. All rings to be coloured coded for the year as per COM rules.
3. All rings to be ID coded.
4. All rings to include millimetre sizes on the ring.
5. All birds to remain closed rung including colour mutations to enable age identification/ownership against theft.
6. Inclusion of a further 250 species of European birds including all of the current “Of schedule British birds” to be included in Schedule 3 Part 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act. This will mean that all birds can then be exhibited and sold without a license, with the two recognised bodies, i.e. the IOA and the BBC being the only two bodies that can sell closed rings to breeders of European Birds.
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