- COM in agreement with COM Turkey and COM Spain decided to swap dates of the world show: 2021 to Spain and 2022 to Turkey, this is to allow more time for the veterinary authorities to find a solution for the return of birds from Turkey to Europe.
- EU regulations 576/2013 regarding movement of birds from non-EU countries, is now valid until end December 2026.
- All countries have to adopt all these regulations by beginning of 2036.
- Important point of these regulations is that all birdkeepers must have a registered holding with their veterinary authorities.
- We have to contact our veterinary authorities, and point out to them that they have to start now to adopt these regulations.
- The decision to allow participation of countries outside the EU to bird show is taken solely by the authorities of the country holding the event.
- The current regulations regarding non-EU countries can be found on the first pages of the regulations book, these are valid until 31 December 2019, this date is a result of 2 three yearly extensions, it is possible that the Commission will extend it once more as it has done in the past.
- It is hoped that these will not be extended at the end of this year, and this is the case, there will no longer be a problem for countries outside Europe to participate at international events.
- For the Portugal 2020 World Show, the authorities have decided to accept birds from outside the EU with the same conditions of 2016. All birds coming from countries outside the EU have to be quarantined for 30 days by the owner, unless there is a separate agreement by the country with the EU authorities.
The meeting proceeded in English with simultaneous translation in French made by the new president of COM France.
It was also announced that following Brexit, the UK listed status application has been agreed by EU Member States after it met the animal health and biosecurity assurances required for a third country to export live animals and animal products.
There are no changes to the guidance for exporters. To export live animals to the EU the consignment will need to:
Apply for an EHC (Export Health Certificate)
Have the EHC signed by an authorised signatory, i.e. by an OV (Official Veterinarian) following an inspection of the consignment.
The consignment has to be accompanied by the original EHC and the self-certification by the breeder with the registered holding, and email a copy to your EU importer or agent to enable them to pre-notify the EU Border Inspection Post (BIP).
We must advise all our members to register their holdings with the veterinarian authorities with urgency to allow them to participate at event is the EU.
Simon Tammam
UK Delegate at the meeting