International Ornithological Association
Founder Member COM-UK

Affiliated to the Confederation Ornithologique Mondiale

Regulations Regarding Domestic Birds

DEFRA are proposing to change various regulations regarding domestic birds, l have asked for

clarification before the meeting on 28th,

One that l think they will push for is the resurrection of the schedule 4 species, if you

recollect in 2008 they scrapped the scheme because of the costs of approximately

£260,000 per year,year on year.losses……..WHY?

I believe very strongly that the reason is to have EVERY PEREGRINE FALCON in captivity in the

UK registered so they can push ahead with the formation of a DNA register.

They have at least GRANTED £100,00 what l know of to Dr Sarah Underwood who is working

on THE NÀTIONAL PEREGRINE DNA SCHEME, Working for something called SASA.